June 21, 2016 , Japan | SHIKUMI DESIGN Inc. won the Grand Prize at the Sónar+D Startup Competition 2016 for their next generation musical instrument, KAGURA. The ceremony took place at the Barcelona event on June 17th, and is the first time the award has gone to a participant from Asia. KAGURA was doubly honored by also receiving a special award from the global angel investor network Keiretsu Forum.
KAGURA won the Grand Prize with high marks for its user-oriented presentation approach, and also took home a special prize as the startup with the most potential for internationalization. A panel of 20 European entrepreneurs, investors and industry professionals choose winners based on not only on creativity and technology, but a wide range of criteria including the viability and scalability of the project. The results are on the Sónar+D Startup Competition website at http://sonarplusd.com/gallery/startup-competition-awards-2016/.
KAGURA is the musical instrument for a new age that turns your gestures into music. Creating and performing music are as simple as moving your body. From beginners to professional musicians, in the studio or on stage, KAGURA is the new music tool of choice.
“We are very happy to see Europe so highly value KAGURA for its ability to combine music and technology that transcends language and culture. With various collaborative offers coming into the project, this will be a big step for KAGURA to take it to the global stage.” –SHIKUMI DESIGN director and developer, Shunsuke Nakamura.
Coming off of the Sónar+D Startup Competition Grand Prize win momentum, KAGURA will to continue to push forward into the global market with the launch of a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign this summer.
Free demo version (limited time availability) with sign up: http://www.kagura.cc/
KAGURA (You Tube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvOfu9NifyY
Dancers Perform KAGURA (You Tube): https://youtu.be/dW0gI6W-ztE
Contact Information:
Tetsuhisa Nakamura (Manager)
TEL/FAX: (+81)92-474-0153
Email: info@kagura.cc
Homepage: http://www.shikumi.co.jp/